

On August 16, 2022, the new Regulation of the Organic Law 4/2000, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration, came into force. The reform aims to simplify and streamline the hiring of foreigners and facilitate the attraction of international talent. The construction of multicultural teams in companies helps internationalization processes

Main novelties introduced:

  1. Broader catalog of occupations that are difficult to cover to facilitate the hiring of foreigners in Spain
  2. Reduced deadlines to encourage the hiring of foreigners in the country of origin.
  3. Longer renewal period for Residence Cards (T.I.E.)
  4. Facilities for foreigners to obtain a self-employment permit
  5. Student visas will allow foreigners to work automatically, for longer hours and without geographical limitations.
  6. Elimination of the previous 3-year time limit required to change the student visa to a work permit.
  7. Improvements in the requirements necessary for family reunification.
  8. Major changes in labor and social roots.
  9.  Facilities for family members of Spaniards to settle in Spain.
  10. Creation of the new figure of «arraigo» for training purposes.
  11. The renewed work permit will allow the foreigner to work both as an employee and self-employed person.


From ExpatFeliu we can accompany you in the design of your impatriation policies and give you comprehensive advice in the areas of migration, labor, tax and everything related to the needs of relocation and landing of foreign workers to our country.


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