Spanish Nationality by option


There are various paths to obtain Spanish nationality, and one of them is through Spanish nationality by option. This option allows certain individuals with family ties in Spain to acquire Spanish nationality.

In Spanish nationality by option, what prevails is the special connection that the applicant may have with Spain through specific family ties.

Who can apply for Spanish nationality by option?

The individuals eligible to apply for nationality through this option include:

  1. Those individuals adopted by Spaniards after reaching the age of 18. In this case, the option can be exercised within a maximum period of 2 years after the event.
  2. Individuals whose father or mother is originally Spanish, i.e., born in Spain.
  3. Individuals whose determination of filiation or birth in Spain occurs after the age of 18. In this case, they can opt for nationality two years after the situation is known or determined.
  4. Individuals who have been under the parental authority of a Spaniard.

If I fall under one of these cases, what documents do I need to provide to obtain Spanish nationality by option?

To apply for nationality by option, you will need:

  • Documentation that can prove the relationship with the Spanish citizen. Depending on the case, this may include the birth certificate of the applicant and the Spanish citizen, proving filiation.
  • Personal documentation of the applicant.
  • Criminal record certificate, only in certain cases.

I have all the documents; how do I apply for Spanish nationality by option?

To submit the application, we recommend contacting our specialists in Spanish nationality, so they can guide you through the entire process. It is known that nationality applications can take many months, even years.

When the file is incomplete or incorrectly requested, the deadline for correction can significantly delay the resolution, and in some cases, nationality may be denied.

In addition to the above, it is crucial to consider the filing deadlines, as missing the deadline means losing the opportunity to opt for this pathway.

Therefore, to avoid such situations, it is advisable to submit the application through a specialist.

To contact a specialist, you can email us at or fill out the contact form.


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